OMOZ 2024


The Plight and Purpose:

Indigenous children in Australia continue to face significant challenges in maintaining healthy ears, which can lead to profound impacts on their overall health, education, and quality of life. OMOZ is dedicated to raising awareness about this critical issue and fostering a holistic approach to ear health improvement.

Event Highlights:

Multi-Disciplinary Collaboration: OMOZ brings together a diverse range of professionals including researchers, surgeons, physicians, health practitioners, health workers, and community members. This unique gathering encourages cross-disciplinary conversations, knowledge sharing, and the development of innovative strategies to address ear health challenges.

Mob Only Day:

This is for indigenous people only and will serve as a cultural safety and networking day. A dedicated day is set aside to highlight the role of Indigenous people in ear health.

This segment serves as a platform for Indigenous voices to share experiences, insights, and culturally sensitive approaches to combating ear health issues within their communities. We wish to be proactive in encouraging community workers, from all over our geography to attend and feel included and listened too.

Networking and Learning: OMOZ provides ample opportunities for networking, workshops, and educational sessions. Sponsors play a crucial role in enriching these experiences by supporting engaging activities and discussions.

“On Country” Experience: Participating in an "On Country" experience at the OMOZ conference, involves engaging with Aboriginal cultures on Worimi and Awabakal lands, which can offer a range of unique and meaningful benefits. These experiences go beyond traditional conference settings, providing attendees with a deeper understanding of the local Indigenous cultures and fostering a sense of connection to the land and its people.